Spiral coil offers a substantial amount of heat transfer area at a considerably low cost as it does not\nonly have a lower wall resistance but it also achieves a better heat transfer rate in comparison to conventional Utube\narrangement. The general aim of the study is to assess different configurations of spiral coil heat exchangers\nthat can eventually operate in a highly efficient manner.\nThe paper documents the transient behavior of spiral-shaped tubes when the coil is embedded in a rectangular\nconducting slab. Different arrangements and number of turns per unit length, with fixed volumes, are considered\nin order to figure out the optimal configuration that maximizes the performance of the heat transfer. The implementation\npresented in the study is conducted to demonstrate the viability of the use of a large conducting body\nas supplemental heat storage.\nThe system uses flowing water in the coil and stagnant water in the container. The copper-made coils situated\nin the center of the slab carries the cold fluid while the container fluid acts as a storage-medium. The water\ntemperature at several depths of the container was measured to ensure uniformity in the temperature distribution\nof the container medium.\nResults have shown that the coil orientation, the number of loops, and the Reynolds number, substantially\ninfluence the rate of the heat transfer. The vertically-embedded spiral coil has a better performance than the\nhorizontally-embedded spiral coil. Doubling the number of loops is shown to enhance the performance of the\ncoil. Increasing Reynolds Number leads to better coil performance.